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Automotive is a multi billion dollar industry that’s also highly competitive. Automakers across the globe try to woo buyers by offering feature rich cars at the most attractive prices. As a buyer, perhaps this is one of the best times in terms of choices.

How Can Automotive Industry Leverage dinCloud Solutions?

To remain among the top few car manufacturers globally, automakers have to invest millions of dollars on Research and Development. Modern cars are increasingly relying on digital technologies, one way or the other.

Any modern car is an intricately woven network of countless sensors installed all across the vehicle, each performing a specific task. If one or some of them malfunctions, the car can no longer remain on road unless the issue is fixed.

It won’t be wrong to say that the latest cars rely less on mechanical aspects and more on technology. Now, we are also seeing a major shift in buying trends. Consumers are increasingly moving towards “greener” automotive options.

In this post, we will highlight some dinCloud services that can enable automakers to leverage the cloud and achieve more operational efficiency as well as cost savings.

Move Your Supply Chain Management to dinCloud

For automakers, on time delivery of their cars directly impacts their market reputation. To deliver a vehicle on time, the entire supply chain needs to be perfectly in sync. Before a car’s final assembly starts, all parts need to arrive at the assembling facility.

With automotive parts being sourced from different areas, which may also be far off at times, a perfectly synced supply chain is absolutely crucial. So, just migrate your automotive supply chain management software to dinCloud’s dedicated Virtual Servers.

With supply chain operations migrated to dinServers, all key decision makers will have real time visibility into their supply chain. This way, they will always have a clear picture of whether the parts are on schedule and what adjustments need to be made.

Vendors or suppliers can also be integrated over dinCloud’s infrastructure. That way, they too will have real-time visibility into exactly which parts are required and at what point in time. You will have a well integrated and connected supply chain powered by dinCloud.

Replace On-Prem Computers with dinHVDs

dinCloud also offers fully virtualized Cloud Hosted Virtual Desktops, called dinHVDs. We highly recommend you replace bulky, physical computers with dinCloud’s virtual desktops. These will free up valuable space for more inventory or expansion.

Another great aspect of dinHVDs is that your workforce that relies on them will be able to access them from anywhere across the globe, at any time of the day. They can access dinHVDs from multiple devices such as laptops, smartphones or tablets.

Migrate Self-Driving Platforms to dinCloud Infrastructure

There was a time when people made fun of hybrid and electric cars. Now, they are an undeniable reality of today’s world. They not only offer cost savings, but are also great for the overall environment and the atmosphere.

Now, we are slowly but surely moving into the realm of self-driving or autonomous vehicles. These cars rely on real time data inputs from multiple sources and super powerful computers to take split second driving decisions.

The margin for error in self driving autonomous vehicles is next to zero. One wrong or delayed input and the lives of passengers and other people on the road are in grave danger. So, you need a super powerful and reliable IT infrastructure at the back-end.

What better option than dinCloud’s state of the art cloud infrastructure. dinCloud has ultra powerful data centers with nearly limitless compute and storage power. Above all, our highly secure infrastructure is well protected against cyber threats.

By moving your autonomous driving operations over to dinCloud, you can rest assured that the backbone of your self driving automobiles is technologically very sound. That’s not all, dinCloud’s infrastructure provides unrivalled Disaster Recover (DR) capabilities.

If the flow of data in autonomously driving cars stops even for a few seconds, it can cause a lot of chaos and damage on the roads. You can never rule out unforeseen disruptive events that can affect the flow of this data to self driving cars.

On the other hand, dinCloud’s services are offered with Disaster Recovery (DR) built into the service itself. As soon as one of our global data centers gets overburdened, we have automated load balancing in place that shifts the excess load to our other data centers.

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In this way, you can enjoy peace of mind that your dream of self driving cars is closer than ever with a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) like dinCloud to support its back end. A well implemented self driving era will bring lots of ease in our daily lives as well.


Whether you are an automaker or a company that’s into self driving cars, dinCloud can offer you a wide array of cloud services that will bring efficiency and cost savings. You will be able to streamline your operations and remain ahead of competitors.

Still not sure how dinCloud’s services fit into the automotive industry, just Get in Touch with one of our Cloud Specialists and we’ll take it from there.