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Millions of businesses across the globe are re-establishing operations in some form or another. In the post pandemic scenario, we can safely conclude that remote work and productivity are here to stay for a good part of near future.

Why Prefer dinCloud Hosted Virtual Desktops Over Physical Desktops

To better understand and realize the benefits of virtual desktops, you first need to develop a basic understanding of how virtual desktops differ from traditional, physical desktop computers. In this post, we will focus on cloud hosted virtual desktops.

What is a Cloud Hosted Virtual Desktop

As the name suggests, this virtual desktop is created and managed over the data centers of a specialized third party Cloud Service Provider (CSP) like dinCloud. Here is the great thing about Hosted Virtual Desktops, all the hardware is managed by a third party.

dinCloud is considered among the leading public cloud providers of the industry. Our cloud hosted virtual desktops (dinHVD) are a highly secure, flexible and cost effective alternative to physical desktop computers.

How Virtual Desktops Benefit Employers / Businesses

In the first segment of this post, we will focus on the benefits of cloud hosted virtual desktops for businesses themselves. At the end of day, every business wants to attain operational efficiency and reduce recurring costs to enhance profitability.

No Capital Expenditure

In the specific context of IT hardware, your business no longer needs to undertake the capital expenditure related to setting up a data center on company premises. All the hardware infrastructure that manages virtual desktops is the responsibility of dinCloud.

Another key advantage of cloud hosted virtual desktops (dinHVD) is that you no longer need to upgrade your existing employee devices. As dinCloud’s infrastructure will do all the heavy lifting for you, your employees can extend the lifespan of otherwise obsolete devices.

Centrality of Data and Security

In case of dinHVDs, all your critical company data will be safely stored in dinCloud’s state of the art data centers. This means that no data will actually be residing on individual employee devices. Further, securing this data is mainly the domain of dinCloud.

A great advantage of centralizing company data is that even if an employee’s login device gets lost or stolen, you do not risk losing sensitive data. Employees will be accessing company data purely on a need basis and that too, over dinCloud’s data centers.

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Instant Scalability of Virtual Desktops

In case of conventional, physical desktops, you simply cannot enhance capacity without procuring additional IT hardware resources. The same holds equally true if you are planning to upgrade the existing physical desktops under the use of employees.

dinCloud Hosted Virtual Desktops (dinHVD) on the other hand do not require procuring any additional hardware. As all the underlying hardware is fully managed by dinCloud, you can increase the scale of virtual desktops literally in a matter of just a few hours.

That’s not all, in case of virtual desktops, you do not need to add any additional IT hardware on company premises. So far as the cost effect of scaling up is concerned, all you have to do is pay dinCloud an extra fee for the additional resources now being utilized.

Virtual Desktop Benefits for Employees / Users

Now that we have covered the benefits of cloud hosted virtual desktops for businesses, let’s focus our discussion on the advantages that can be enjoyed by your employees. At the end of day, end user experience is very important for employee morale and productivity.

Unmatched Flexibility

Present day employees demand a flexible environment for productivity in which barriers are kept to a minimal level. dinHVDs allow you to avail this very flexibility as our hosted virtual desktops can be accessed over tablets, laptops or desktops.

Employee access to dinCloud’s Hosted Virtual Desktops (dinHVD) is not limited to a single device or operating system, rather employees can access their virtual desktops from multiple device platforms running a wide range of operating systems.

Supporting Remote Workforce

The trend towards a remote workforce is increasing with every passing day. dinCloud’s virtual desktops (dinHVD) are an ideal solution for this emerging workforce trend. Your employees will be able to access our virtual desktops even from their homes.

By providing this capability, your business can support a fully productive workforce remotely, without ever having the need to physically show up at the workplace. This not only broadens your choice for human capital, it also improves productivity.

Secure Access to Productivity Apps

dinCloud’s Hosted Virtual Desktops (dinHVD) allow your employees secure access to fully licensed productivity applications and enterprise software. This in turn delivers a seamless end user experience to employees, which ultimately translates into higher productivity.

Why Virtual Desktops by dinCloud

dinCloud is a Public Cloud Provider that has been around for a number of years now. Our class leading hosted virtual desktops are an ideal fit for your workforce needs. dinHVDs are specifically designed with a remote workforce in mind.

dinHVDs are a robust, secure and reliable answer to all your productivity needs in the post pandemic scenario. The cost related benefits that you will enjoy with dinCloud’s Virtual Desktops will improve the sustainability of your business in the short and long term.