Despite declining PC sales, Google’s Chromebook continues to thrive. Many cite the Chromebook’s management capabilities, budget-friendly price point, and security controls as key drivers in its growth in education, enterprise, and the overall marketplace.
While PC sales were down 10% in the 4th quarter of 2015 (as reported by Digital Trends), Gartner reports that Chromebook sales were up 27% last year over 2014. In May of 2015, Gartner also projected that worldwide Chromebook sales would total 7.3 million units by the end of the year.
Digital Trends also reports sales growth in the overall Google Chrome OS category. Today, this category comprises 2.8% of overall PC sales, while it comprised only 1.9% of PC sales in 2014.

Google Chrome and Android Merger
Several reports have Google planning to merge Chrome and Android OS later this year. While some details of the merger remain unclear, such a move could poise Google for further growth. Android is still a powerhouse OS in the mobile market, with 80+% share of the overall market in 2015.
An aside to dinHVD users: while a potential merger may play out later this year, rest assured our DaaS will not be uninterrupted. dinCloud’s desktop as a service products are compatible with both Android and Chrome OS.
Chromebooks in Education
One market where Chromebook continues to have major impact is education. Factors like cost, durability and device management capabilities have helped Chromebook edge out Apple’s iPad with a central role in classroom learning. Education sales comprised 72% of overall Chromebook sales in 2014. And, today, Chromebook is the #1 device in K-12, commanding over half of all devices sold for classroom use.
Chromebooks in the Enterprise
According to Information Week, Chromebooks are being increasingly adopted in the enterprise space, with its management capabilities as a key driver.
The Impact | Chromebook Sales and Cloud
When reviewing this data collectively, one conclusion becomes clear: the Chromebook is dramatically transforming the industry. Following that, the Chromebook’s cloud/web-centric computing approach means that with increased Chromebook adoption, heightened demand for cloud services will follow.
We’re ready to command this market share, but are you? Curent dinCloud partners, or prospective dinCloud partners alike can contact us to revise their cloud strategy and take advantage of the Chromebook opportunity.