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The Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and Desktop as a Service (DaaS) markets are booming across the globe. This was revealed in a recent study conducted by a reputed entity called AMA Research.

dinCloud among Leaders in the Booming VDI & DaaS Market

The study, which is called “Global Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Market Report”, exhibits an in-depth view of the global VDI and DaaS markets. The research takes into account factors such as major market players, strategies and the competitive landscape.

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dinCloud Emerges as a Market Leader

Prominent Cloud Service Provider (CSP) dinCloud was categorized as a market leader in AMA’s research report. While dinCloud has a global presence through its multiple strategically located data centers, USA remained the major market being served.

Range of dinCloud’s Services

A major factor behind dinCloud’s prominent position in the report is a wide range of cloud services. The cloud solutions offered by dinCloud include Hosted Virtual Desktops (dinHVD), Virtual Servers and Virtual Databases.

By offering such a wide range of services and an even bigger choice within each of the service areas itself, dinCloud has been able to cement its position both in the US and global Desktop as a Service (DaaS) markets.

Let’s highlight some other key insights of the report about the future outlook of cloud VDI and DaaS markets.

Market Drivers

The factors explained below proved to be the market drivers for the cloud industry in general and dinCloud in particular.

Increasing Trend of BYOD

The trend of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is rapidly increasing among employees, thanks to the reliable and secure access offered by CSPs like dinCloud.

Workplace Flexibility

Remote work or Work from Home (WFH) are becoming the new norm and DaaS is a highly suited platform to support a fully remote workforce.

Increasing Role of Cloud in EUC

End User Computing (EUC) is rapidly being shifted over cloud solutions such as dinHVD. This improves overall productivity by delivering a consistent and superior end user experience.

Market Trends

Windows retained its position as the operating system (OS) of choice. dinCloud’s DaaS Solution offers a seamless Windows 10 virtual desktop experience to its uses. VDI and DaaS are moving towards mobile devices such as smartphone, tablet and desktop.


In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, many organizations faced serious constraints in upgrading on premise infrastructures. This presented an opportunity for well equipped cloud providers like dinCloud to mitigate these restraints with cloud services instead.


Below are some of the areas of opportunity highlighted in the research report.

Adoption of Cloud VDI Rises

Most organizations were found to lack the financial and human resources to ramp up their on premise infrastructures. Cloud powered VDI solutions such as dinHVD presented an excellent opportunity to organizations to sustain operations remotely.

DaaS Adoption Increases

The research report observed an unprecedented spike in the demand for DaaS solutions such as the ones offered by dinCloud. These DaaS solutions eliminate the need for maintaining on premise IT hardware, resulting in higher adoption rates.

Cloud VDI and DaaS Reduce Costs

With VDI and DaaS, organizations were able to scale down on the costs related to IT infrastructure. These cloud solutions eliminated the need for procuring and maintaining expensive IT hardware on premise.

Secondly, deploying entities were able to extend the useful service life of their otherwise obsolete IT hardware. This was made possible only through cloud powered VDI and DaaS solutions in which processing and workloads are managed at the data center level.


AMA’s Research report was the bearer of good news not only for dinCloud, but the global VDI and DaaS market as a whole. Cloud VDI and DaaS are the technologies that will continue to reshape the global IT market in the near future.