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Gartner published its list of top 11 predictions in 2012 – a much anticipated list that we read religiously. One of their predictions is that 35% of IT Budgets will be managed outside the IT department by 2015. CIOs will see their budget reallocated to a different business unit where the business manager is in control.  Business managers are demanding more control over the IT expenditures related to their jobs. This creates a threat to CIOs and as their budget is shrinking, perhaps their role as a strategic executive is diminishing as well. Not necessarily.

Budgets may be shifting within IT organizations, but a way that CIOs can retain control is to move budget to outside cloud service providers who can answer the needs of business managers. The rise of low-cost cloud service providers, like dinCloud, enables the CIO to: lower overall cost for the organization, mitigate some of the pain of IT management internally by partnering with a trusted cloud service provider, and enhance their role as a strategic advisor to the CEO with a seat in the boardroom.

A CIO might argue that partnering with a cloud service provider may help them retain some budget, but it makes them lose control over their IT organization.  With most cloud service providers, that’s correct. However, with dinCloud, that’s not the case. dinCloud offers a software tool called dinManage, a web-based proprietary application to manage virtual datacenters. The best thing about dinCloud’s tool is that the remote control lies in the CIO’s hands – provisioning/de-provisioning, change management, running reports on system performance, user performance and application performance, tracking software publisher license compliance, amongst various other features, are all at the CIOs fingertips.  Losing control?  Not with dinCloud.

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