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The adoption rates of cloud powered solutions in general and Virtual Desktops in particular are constantly on the rise. To woo new cloud users and retain the existing ones, Cloud Service Providers (CSP) tend to constantly introduce incremental changes.

In a similar development, a notable cloud provider, Microsoft, has introduced two new features in its Virtual Desktops. Due to Windows being a widely accepted operating system (OS), Windows Virtual Desktops are widely in use.

Both these added features enable you to better customize your Windows Virtual Desktop. Now, you can clone or add multiple virtual desktops, depending on the types of use cases you have in mind.

For instance, you can launch one virtual desktop for development related tasks, another for emails and yet another one for business applications. Previously, users were allowed to rename the various virtual desktops though.

The other limitation that has been addressed in the newly introduced features is that now, you can choose a different background image than your main desktop. Now, you can choose a different background for each of your virtual desktops.

Another feature that has been added is that now, you can also re-order your virtual desktops via drag and drop. You can also change the order in which virtual desktops appear by using the right click feature and selecting the “Move Left” or “Move Right” option.

Right now, you can test these features by joining the Windows Insider program. You can configure it to use the “Dev Channel”. There is a slight caveat though, you can’t revert to the general release version of Windows 10 that easily.

Still, these are welcome additions to the Windows Virtual Desktop platform and these additions will improve the overall end user experience to a great extent.


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