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Today, organizational processes and the physical boundaries of the modern enterprise are diminishing. Instead, the modern enterprise is driven by the culture of remote work, where the physical location of your employee has little to do with productivity.

When we talk of this level of ease, it would be unjust to completely ignore the security challenges posed by this major shift. But is there a way forward that not only delivers optimal productivity, but also ensures security of enterprise data.

The answer to this concern lies in an emerging concept in data security, which is Insider Risk Management or IRM. By the very name of IRM, the first thing can comes to mind is a rouge or negligent employee who wants to do something nasty with your valuable data.

Well, the fact is quite the opposite. IRM is all about changing the perceptions through which we approach data security. Enterprise data cannot be separated from employees, so IRM solves data security challenges by adopting these 3 fundamental concepts.


The first step in an IRM driven data security strategy is to have elaborate data usage policies in place, which need to be engraved in the organizational culture.


Based on the well defined policies for data usage, there should be proactive systems and monitoring tools that are capable of raising red flags that pose data security risks.


This is the ability of data security controls deployed under the IRM framework to come into action, even before a full blown data security risk can do some actual harm.

Interestingly, IRM takes a completely un-conventional approach towards internal risks. Most of us consider insider risks to enterprise data as an outcome of rogue actions by employees interacting with organizational data.

On the contrary, IRM stresses that risks to data security can arise even during the routine interface between an employee’s workloads and enterprise data. So, a well chalked out IRM framework, coupled with employee awareness can do wonders in securing data.

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