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A recent study conducted by reputed tech research firm Gartner sheds light on a worrisome aspect of digitization initiatives across organizations. As per the study, nearly 87% of business leaders considered digitization as a company priority.

However, the disturbing part is that only 40% of these organizations could actually implement those digitization initiatives at a reasonable scale across the entity. Organizations need to delve deep into this wide gap.

The study further highlights some specific fault lines that not only cause such gaps, but also widen them. This notable difference between vision and action needs to be narrowed or even removed by entities to actually attain digitization.

Below are the Key Areas that need Particular Attention as per this Study:-

Defining a digital strategy at the organizational level is key to success. What’s equally important is to determine whether the entity in question wants to pursue digital optimization or a transformation altogether.

The next crucial phase is implementation and it is here that organizations tend to lose track. It is important to define clear goals, lay down the guiding principles for attaining those goals and develop an organizational culture in which there is ownership.

Last and most important phase comprises of measuring or quantifying progress on the laid down goals. This progress or success should be measured in terms of both how effectively the strategy was implemented and what value did it ultimately bring to the entity.

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