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For millions of businesses across the country, QuickBooks plays a central role in day-to-day operations. However, now that cloud use is widespread, there’s an easier way to leverage the software within your company. Hosting QuickBooks in the cloud allows you to make more efficient use of the platform, quickly and easily deploying it to your accounting staff, regardless of where they may be located.

Benefits of Hosting QuickBooks in the Cloud

Why host QuickBooks in the cloud when the desktop version works just fine? Because traditional access methods for QuickBooks are often restrictive. Work is no longer confined to your office or to the desktops that are provided to employees. So why should your software work that way? Hosting QuickBooks in the cloud gives you added flexibility for deployment and access, functioning more in line with how employees actually work today.

Easier Access to QuickBooks in the Cloud

Installing QuickBooks on a virtual desktop gives you the full power and functionality of the desktop software with the added benefit of secure access from multiple locations and devices for CPAs and accountants that are not on-site.  This allows you to leverage talent from outside of your region and more easily equip those resources with the tools they need to be productive.

Secure Access to QuickBooks in the Cloud

We offer a secure platform to host QuickBooks and other applications. Security is inherent to this service and all others in our portfolio, which will prove to be a major benefit, given the sensitive nature of customer data and other data sets that you run through QuickBooks.  Read more about our security features to learn why security should be at the forefront of your choice in cloud providers.

How to Host QuickBooks in the Cloud

You have the option to publish QuickBooks via our app virtualization platform, dinApp, or you can access QuickBooks through our virtual desktops. Our cloud specialists can help tailor the configuration to your desired workflow and to meet any other requirements you may have.

For additional information ask us to contact you and we’ll be in touch. You may also be interested in reading our cloud services page for the financial services industry.